Solar Street Light And Outdoor Light
Our solar street light is powered by photovoltaic energy. Completely independent and designed to suit various specific geographical regions where varying sunlight intensity is factored in our sizing. The solar lighting system can be designed to operate from dusk to dawn (automatic) or as per required operating hours with sufficient autonomy for non sunny days.
Types of solar lightings available for outdoor use are Compact Fluorescent (CFL), LED and Low Pressure Sodium (SOX). Each lighting fixture has its own feature to suit different types of applications or areas. Luminosity ranges from 1,800 lumens to 8,000 lumens.
- Powered fully by the sun
- Automatic dusk to dawn operation or timer control option
- Stand-alone system - no cabling, sub-stations or feeder pillars required
- Unaffected by power outages
- SLA Maintenance Free batteries used for safe and easy shipment
- Fully assembled with or without pole option available